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Walking on the moon
after a summer rain...ant
no longer earthbound.
Tina Seligman

Tina Seligman, Solo Exhibition, Flushing Town Hall, April 7 - 15, 2018

Disappearing moon
waning to its other life
as I wax to mine...
Tina Seligman

How to Participate with Music and Haiku
For each music submission, please attach an MP3 files and include in your email:
1. Your name and email address
2. Linear or Layered version
3. Complete Score, solo, or duet with choice of voices (example: Phases with Moonrise, etc.)
4. Choice of instruments for each voice (example: Phases -- piano, etc.) -- accoustic instruments or computer?
Send your original haiku in the email text.
Project with Viewer Participation
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